Thursday, October 13, 2005

"The thing is is..."

Have any of you noticed this construction lately? Sentence beginning with "The thing is is that ..." with the repetition of the word "is". I've noticed a huge surge in the use of this collocation, over the last five years, replacing what to me would be a more expected version: "The thing is..." with only one "is". OK, so I am obviously not the first one to notice this, and in fact there's a nice discussion of it at the Language Log from a little over a year ago. Any further thoughts?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Had also noticed the "is is" construction, so your posting had me thinking about it enough to notice when a friend said in conversation last night, "What the thing is is . . .." This struck me as a close "relative" but with more standard grammar. Only after that have I looked at the link you cited, which also suggests a connection here. Thought I'd mention the "independent" detection of a possible grammatical ancestor.

3:16 PM  

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