Monday, January 12, 2009

Mysterious Missing Maltese files

Well, we've perhaps done it again. There's an entire set of Maltese sound files missing. What's weird is that both Amy and I have such good memories of recording those words, so there's plenty of evidence the sound files exist, but they don't seem to exist on our work laptops, and we can't find them on the server either.

This may be a death-blow to the Maltese experiments for now. I've emailed Andy to ask if he can re-do item selection excluding the items we're missing (it's the set of theme 1, 2, 5, and 7 verbs in Maltese that have no related verbs sharing their respective roots - what we call "orphan" verbs), but we're dubious about whether this would leave us sufficient items to run our experiments.

Sad. Disappointed. Frustrated. That's how we're feeling right now. If we end up not being able to run these experiments, we may come home earlier than planned, because the semester begins this week so work is already beginning to pile up at home.


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